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Product Details

FOR SHORT APPOINTMENTS buy 1 x $50 deposit
FOR LONG APPOINTMENTS* buy 2 x $50 deposit (*long appointments are any bookings over 1 hour)

For bookings we require a non-refundable booking deposit to secure your place. Deposits are not an extra charge, they are simply a part payment for your booking up-front.

* However, in the event that you are a no-show to your appointment, we will use the booking fee as your cancellation fee. 
* If you want to re-schedule instead (and you give us more than 48 hours notice) you can avoid the cancellation fee and put the your deposit towards your next appointment or products in store.
* If we don’t receive your deposit payment 24 hours from when you book we will  have to cancel your booking to open the space to be available for someone else.
So to recap:
* For cancellation of bookings and late changes to bookings we require 48 hours notice or your booking deposit will be used to cover the late cancellation fee.
* If you need to cancel or rebook and you give us more than 48 hours notice we will put your deposit towards the new appointment time or you can choose to put it towards products from the studio.
Use this product to pay for your booking deposit or call the Studio 0409 988 428.

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